Monday, April 12, 2010

Positive Thinking Exercises

It has been rightly said that ‘when going gets tough, the tough gets going’ and the driving force behind tough souls is a positive thinking mind. Challenging situations can leave you harassed, frustrated, discouraged and feeling negative. Problems in life are generic and affect everyone in almost the same way. However, only positive thinkers know how to overcome the most testing of situations. The article brings you some exercises and activities which will help you to think optimistic. Read on and know how to become a positive thinker.

Activities For Positive Thinking

Early Morning Walk

An early morning walk can be of immense help in keeping you in a positive frame of mind throughout the day. Make sure that you take a walk early in the morning and take time out to appreciate the beauty of nature. It will work as a great stress buster and ward off any negative emotions trying to overpower your mind.


Meditation is one of the simplest, yet the most powerful techniques to foster positive thinking. The best part is that you don’t have to necessarily meditate in a static body posture. Just sit in a comfortable chair and listen to soothing music or perform deep breathing exercises that are good for relaxing your mind.

Be Happy

The easiest way to think positive is to be happy. It is also the only thing, which probably requires the least effort on your part. If you are in a happy state of mind, you will automatically think positive. There is no denying the fact that you will keep finding yourself in trying circumstances, but keeping yourself happy is completely a matter of choice.

Forgive Yourself

Remember that you are human too! It is important to realize that you don’t run the world and there are things beyond your control as well, which can occasionally go wrong. Holding yourself responsible for everything is not going to alter a situation for the better. The moment you start forgiving yourself, you will begin to feel positive.

Inspire Yourself

It is important to inspire yourself, more so from your successes in the past, to conquer any negativity in your mind. Write inspirational quotes and place them at your office desk or at home, where you get a chance to read them as often as you can. Listen to inspirational songs when you are driving and lift up your spirits.

Believe In Yourself

Most negative thinkers are those who suffer from a lack of self belief and continue to nurse doubts about their abilities. Confidence and self-assurance is the cornerstone of positive thinking and you will notice the difference instantly, once you build faith in yourself.

Try To Forget

Negative reminiscences of something that has passed over and can’t be changed now can take you down the memory lane and hamper a forward-looking positive approach. Always remember that one should remember only the good things of the past and drop the bad memories from the mental landscape. Forgetting the negatives of life encourages positive thinking.

How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood

Ian Thorpe, also known as ‘Thorpedo’, was a world champion swimmer who won eight gold medals in the 2000 Olympics. He had commented that the upcoming champion, Michael Phelps did have incredible ability, but would not be able to win eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, as the competitive spirit would be too intense. When Phelps was asked about this comment, he said there are three things that make him mad and put him in a bad mood, ‘fatigue, muscle soreness and taunts from Ian Thorpe’. However, Phelps did not let Thorpe get the better of him - he performed. In the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, he participated in eight events and won gold medals in each one of them! It is great to see the sportsmanship with which Phelps dealt with his negative feelings and constructively, diverted them to positive actions of achievement. But, not all of us have such a strong personality.

                                            In most situations, when we are in a bad mood, we tend to lash out at others (through blatant or passive aggression) or become self destructive. This negative reaction is harmful for us as well as our loved ones and a conscious effort has to be made to change the mindset. It is a known fact that a person’s true personality comes out during bad moments. We have to inculcate in ourselves the ability to redirect our negative feelings, towards positive thoughts and actions. This will not only help us become more relaxed, but will also provide a less stressful environment for the people around. In order to deal with a bad mood, a whole mental paradigm shift has to take place. Discussed ahead are a few ways on how to get out of bad mood.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How To Impress People

Look around you and you would be surprised to find that even dorky-looking guys and gals can have the crowd eyeing them. Wonder how? All that you need to do, to be the talk of the town, is to master the art of making the right impression. It is a popular myth that people are only born with the gift or ability of impressing others, but cannot acquire the same. Rather, you need to bear in mind that impressing others is no gift, but just an art, which you can master by following the right tips. One such tip is that you need to groom yourself, physically, emotionally and psychologically and voila, you would be amazed to see people talking about you. In case you are still wondering how to impress people, the tips given below would surely be of help.

The AuraMuch is said and discussed about the aura that each person has. However, did you know that it’s your very own aura that can make much of a difference in making you an impressive person? Believe it or not, your aura can make you the most arresting person in a crowd of hundred as well. Each one of us executes certain vibes to the people around. The secret is to radiate positive and healthy vibes and within the twinkling of an eye; you would have people following you.

Get That Killing Look

Ask anyone and you would know that looks do matter. And if someone denies the fact, know for sure that he/she is the biggest believer of the same. Imagine meeting a person who is shabbily dressed, has unruly hair and scruffy looks! The only expression that comes to your mind is ‘aaghh’! Isn’t it? Remember, to be impressive, you need to look striking as well. Get that killing look and you would surely have the eyes rolling!!
The Right Mix

Most of you would agree to meeting a lot of people who look charming, but when they open their mouth to speak, all you want to do is run away. Remember, having striking looks is the task half done. For the other half, you need to have the right mix of beauty, intelligence and humor. Just being attractive or extremely genius is sure to goof up your persona, if you lack the other parts. Instead, prefer to look like a prince/princess and talk like a scholar, but with a tinge of humor and wittiness added.
Dare To Do

Did you know that most people are bowled over by people who dare to ‘do’? Confused! Look around you and you would be surprised to find that almost every other person you meet has words like ‘can’t’ and ‘impossible’ in his/her vocabulary. If you really want to impress someone, the best way to do so would be to learn to replace the words ‘I can't’ with ‘I can’. This would give a tremendous boost to your personality and in no time, you would be the most-talked about person in the society. And remember, the one who is talked about the most is naturally impressive!!
Balance Bad Emotions

It is a well-accepted fact that the more you run away from unpleasant situations and people, the more you find yourself running into them. However, the trick is to balance the bad emotions and act as if nothing bothers you at all. Remember, it's never about what happened. Rather, it is always about your reaction towards what took place and how well you were able to cope with it. This would reflect much about your personality and make you a notable person wherever you go.

How To Speak English Fluently

Language is the tool used for conveying and expressing feelings and emotions. Language helps in communicating and conversing with one another. It becomes easier to express and communicate with others, if the conversation is in common language. English has become the most common language and widely spoken language in the world today. In fact in the present era, good command over English has become a necessity, even if English is not someone’s mother tongue. Knowledge of English will help a person develop his/her self confidence by giving them the power to take part in conversations. Learning English and speaking it fluently is an easy task. It is just a matter of your dedication and sincere efforts. English is quiet easy to follow as it has aspects of several languages in it, therefore only little bit of hard work and dedication will make you fluent in the language.

Tips To Speak English Fluently

  • The first and foremost step towards speaking English fluently is to decide the purpose of learning the language. Determine whether you want to learn the language just for day to day use or for a specific purpose. Depending on your need of the language choose the version or level you will have to master.
  • Depending on your use of the language, decide and put aside the vocabulary and the sentence construction which is ideal for you to learn, as you cannot learn everything. Pick up around ten words and sentences from the particular area everyday and practice them thoroughly.
  • Choose a friend or a partner with whom you can practice speaking the language. Having a person who knows English to speak to will help you improvise your usage of words and formation of sentences. If the person you choose is your good friend, then learning becomes easier, as you have your own comfort zone with them.
  • People who know the language well modify their language by using idioms, phrases, and slangs depending on the situation. Do not try and use any such phrases or idioms till the time you are confident of their correct usage. It takes years of exposure to the language for someone to modify the language according to the situation, which you as a beginner cannot expect to do. The trick here will be to use simple recognized version of English by keeping the usage correct.
  • Try and avoid any form of grammatical errors when speaking. Grammar is the basic of any language which need to be mastered in order to speak the language accurately. Practice is the only key here. It is only through enough practice that you will be able to get the grammar correct, which will help you become fluent in its usage.